Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bag Tag!

My friend Meagan Bag tagged me, it is a little scary my friends.
1. My camera, which is always in my purse or else I panic.
2. My wallet. Which is one of those huge old lady checkbook wallets but I love it.
3. My eyeglass case. I take it with me when I wear contacts in case my eyes hurt, but right now the glasses are at home but there is a contact case.
4. Orbit Gum. ( Raspberry Mint)I always like to have gum, one fruity flavor
5. and one minty flavor. (Cinnamint)
6. Its my frequent shopper card holder. Most importantly Cafe Rio and Cold stone.
7. An old prescription that I never had filled. (Im dumb sometimes)
8. A very old picture of my friend Shyla. I don't know how it got in there.
9. A UTA bus map.
10. Clear Nail Polish. (Don't ask)
11. Rewetting eyedrops because contacts make your eyes dry.
12. My Ipod cause I always have it. You need something to do on the bus.
13. My Ipod connecter in case I need to download some music and because I don't really have anywhere else to put it.
14. A flash light, I got it as a gift at work but have never taken it out of my purse. You laugh but it came in handy one night when Mitch's car wasn't working.
15. Dove Deodorant because sometimes I forget and I don't want to smell bad. And sometimes you want to reapply.
16. Anti-itch cream, I don't know why but it has come in handy several times.
17. A giant ring that I took off one day. It reminds me of the pretty pretty princess game jewelry.
18. A bottle cap to a drink I bought on the way home from my nephews wedding. I know a little girl who collects them.
19. Lip Smackers Dr. Pepper Chapstick. It's my favorite.
20. Burts Bees Pomegranate Chapstick. (Just stick to the original its better)
21. Burts Bees Chapstick. Its a necessity. Its the best chapstick ever.
22. Burts Bees Shimmer Chapstick White. Don't buy it it's expensive and makes your teeth look really yellow.
23. Burts Bees Shimmer Chapstick Pink.
24. Lip Smacker Giant Chapstick, ahh the good old days. I had a few when I was younger I used to call them Dolly Parton Chapstick.
25. Old Navy Peppermint Lip Gloss. Their lipgloss is the best, its not sticky and it feels like it actually moistuirzes your lips rather then dry it out.
26. Old Navy French Vanilla Mint Lip Gloss.
27. Old Navy Strawberry Mint LipGloss.
28. Chopstick Helpers
29-30. Two Dimes.
31. An Orbit Gum Rapper.
32. A South City Institute Caribeaner, Mitch said I need to show my support. Ha Ha
33. A tampon.
34. An Old UTA bus transfer.
35. A bottle of various pain pills. Ibuprophen, Tylenol, and Tramadol.
36. My keys to my house, and garage.
37. Lotion.
38 A Pen.
39. My work keys that make me feel like a Janitor.
40. I should have something else just to get to 40. Thats sad I have almost 40.

I tag Audrey, and anyone else who looks at my blog. Post a comment so I know you did it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Summer has now ended:(

In commemoration of summer coming to a close. (Sniff sniff). I thought I would highlight a little of my summer. The sad thing is that I feel like Summer is over and I have nothing really too exciting that happened to me over the summer. No Lake Powell trip, no camping, and I went boating like three times. With that out of the way, the few points I have to highlight are a little dull.

This was supposed to be the first of many fires, but it was actually the first and last fire. We usually have a ton more. This picture has a little east side pride. Can I get a Wha wha. This is the annual Breast Cancer marathon. We have been walking this for three years now, ever since we found out Blanca our sister-in-law had breast cancer. The group has changed every year as to who comes, but there is always a group that supports the cause and hopefully always will.
Most of my summer was spent hanging out with Mitch and his brother Jason . This is an example of the randomness of the activities we did. Ha ha Hands up Stands up, a childhood summer classic.
Little Xavier James came into our Crazy family June 5, 2008. Little Annie Sue is a monster next to him.
I got to spend some time with Augustus my cute nephew that lives in Denver that I hardly get to see. Look how cute he is.

Part two.

The amazing Summer Sunset in June coming down from swimming at Snowbird. This picture didn't even capture how beautiful this sunset really was. Fireworks on July 3,2008 this was some good times. Jenny Jones (my old roommate) her roommate Jenine and I and a bunch of other people I didn't really know. The fireworks at Granite High School are actually really good.
Lagoon, as I alreadly posted before I went to Lagoon, but like I already mentioned my summer was lame. (Not a whole lot to talk about).

My friends Kim and Shyla, and I all went on a Night Hike together to Lake Mary at Brighton. The moon was super cool that night and again the picute does not do it justice. Ah Lake Mary is the best Hike ever, especially swimming when you get to the top.
John Mayer! Need I say more? This was a super fun night, good times I had all my amigos there (Shyla, Kim, Holly, and Amy). Colbie Cailet was there too and I really love her.

Part three

Hiking Lake Mary with Mitch, Jason, and Jasons friend Rana. This is my favorite spot of the hike, the view of the canyon below is beautiful. Rana, Jason, Mitch and I.
This was the longest hike up to the Lake ever. Jason and Mitch like to play this game. "We have to play my favorite game." Mitch said. "You pick a pole or a tree and throw rocks at it" Well Jason was right on board. So this was the hike the entire time, throwing rocks at trees or poles.
Getting ready to get into the water up there. The water was so high, the jump was only like five feet if that. Overall this hike to Lake Mary was so much fun. The three of us together (Mitch, Jason, and I) we are like 12 year olds.
We went to the Nickelcade a couple times just before Jason left for school at Snow College go badgers.

Part 4

So we all pooled our tickets together and got a cap gun, it made Jason's day. He had lots of fun with that on the way home. It was good times at the Nickel Cade it felt like high school all over again. I went boating with Mitch's family. It was so much fun, we had the most chill day on the lake. They hardly take anything serious. This is Mitch Slaloming, hes pretty good. Good enough to impress even my dad I bet.
Yeah he is really like twenty shades darker then me.

This is Jason Wakeboarding, he is pretty good.

Dang these Greaves boys have some lakeside talent.

Part Five

This is Mitch's Dad and his brother Jason kneeboarding together. Like I said this was such a fun day. They started out just normal, then they were crossing under each others ropes. Then the next thing I know Mitch's dad is right next to Jason's kneeboard and I couldn't figure out what they were doing. Then I realized what they were doing....
Mitch's dad was getting on the back of Jason's kneeboard. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. Then Mitch got out there and he always has to make a game out of everything. So he went on his back for a minute, then stood up for a minute and fell. This picture is when he and Jason did it at the same time. I swear they can do anything they try.
They thought it would be fun to share just one rope for a minute, but it took them forever to pick up the other rope. You can see it flapping around on the edge of the left hand side of this picture.
Then they decided to play the same game. Everything becomes a game to this family.

Part Six.

My whole life eversince I was 10 I have been trying to get up on the kneeboard and have not been able to do it. It't my boating arch nemesis. When Jason got tired it was my turn but I was nervouse cause Mitch can get right up and well me I can never get up. So I told him it wouldn't be any fun for him but okay. So needless to say I got right up first try. I was super stoked. I crossed the wake and didn't fall. Then Mitch decided I was ready for more tricks. He was going to go under my rope and I agreed with a lot of reluctance. So I did as I was told lift the rope higher so he could go underneath. However at the same time we hit a wave and my arms bounced back down just as he was going underneath. I was afraid of decapitating him so I let the rope go causing the kneeboard to smack me in the bridge of the nose. My kneeboarding stunts were over. Jason took a picture so I could see what it looked like. Although I got hurt on my first boat outing with the Greaves it was so much fun, and I am excited to get back out on the kneeboard. I still have a tiny battle wound scar. The last fun thing I did this summer was the U2 laser show at the Clark Planetarium with Jason, Mitch and their little sister Nicole. Mitch wanted to do something special the night before Jason went off to Snow so this is what he planned, it was actually really fun. We spent like an hour in the gift shop. (Mitch, Nicole, and Jason).
(Jason, Nicole and Me)
So now that summer is over I will have to do something exciting this fall so I can actually feel like I have a somewhat exciting life. Also so my blog isn't the most boring blog in all the blog land.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Did anyone ever play TV tag?

Attached or Single: Attached, not married though, so legally Single.
Best friend: Mitch
Cake or Pie: Cake! Funfetti cake by Pillsbury and the Betty Crocker Rainbow chip frosting.
Day of Choice: Sunday & Friday. Sunday just always has a certain quality to it, and friday cause its the weekend and I get to watch my sweet Annie.
Essential item: ChapStick! or Water.
Favorite color: Green.
Gummy bears or worms: Worms they taste better for some reason. Mmmm. I love the sour ones with sugar coating.
Hometown: Sandy, Utah.
Favorite Indulgence: Buying new clothes or going out to eat. I don't do either enough.
January or July: July for sure, that usually means Lake Powell, except the last two years. Come on Family.
Kids: None except for the cutest Black Lab.
Life isn't complete without: Someone to share it with.
Marriage date: Some time in the future.
Number of brothers and sisters: 2 brothers and three sisters.
Oranges or apples: Depends on the day. I like both.
Phobias: Midgets, clowns, sharks, fish, Cockroaches..
Quote: "Life isn't about weathering the storm, its about learning to dance in the rain." or one my dad said to me once. Happiness is what you find when you are looking for something else.
Reasons to smile: Babies, things that make me laugh, Mitch, life, my sweet residents.
Season of choice: Summer or fall.
Tag 3 people: Um i think only three people look at my blog and Meagan tagged me. Audrey, Megatronbomb, and Aubrielle. (If they even look).
Unknown fact about me: I love the orange drink at McDonalds like my sister Audrey and that is the only reason I will ever go there.
Vegetable: Broccoli
Worst habit: Being late.
X-ray or ultrasound: This question is lame but I guess a ultrasound however I have never really had either besides teeth x-rays and my teeth hurt bad. Your favorite food: Mexican, mostly Chips and Salsa.
Zodiac sign: Scorpio